Top "Jjwt" questions

Use when referencing the JJWT library for the JVM and Android

JWT Token Invalid Signature

I am using JWT in my application for login authentication process. To generate the token I am using: Jwts.builder().…

jwt digital-signature hmac jjwt
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: A signing key must be specified if the specified JWT is digitally signed

I'm looking to implement JWT in my application for that I'm doing some R&D on it by taking …

java jjwt
Static secret as byte[], Key or String?

I have started to work with JJWT to handle JWT on my server application. My JWT secret will be stored …

java security jwt jjwt
JJWT library and handle expiration ExpiredJWTException

The problem is that my application throws an exception when the token expires and I can't catch that exception. I …

java jwt jjwt
Expiration of JWT not working when using expiration date in UTC

I am using jjwt for jwt token creation. Everything works fine when setting expiration date with local system time, i.…

java date jwt utc jjwt
How to create a Spring Security Key for signing a JWT token?

I use implementation group: 'io.jsonwebtoken', name: 'jjwt-api', version: '0.10.6' as dependency. I would like to create a JWT …

spring-boot spring-security jjwt
JJWT: How to parse claims correctly?

I made a test JWT using something like the following code String jwt = Jwts.builder() .setHeaderParam("typ", "jwt") .setId("myid") .…
