I made a test JWT using something like the following code
String jwt = Jwts.builder()
.setHeaderParam("typ", "jwt")
.signWith(SignatureAlgorithm.HS512, "SECRET")
"perms" is a custom claim, which contains an ArrayList of Strings (permissions).
So when I receive the JWT back, I use the following code
Jwt<?, ?> claims = Jwts.parser().setSigningKey("SECRET").parse(jwt);
} catch (SignatureException e){
And I get something like
{jti=myid, iss=ExampleIssuer, sub=JohnDoe, iat=1495678299, exp=1495678899, perms=[CREATE, VIEW]}
My question is: is this the correct (intended) way to get the claims back? It seems from now I will need to parse the result with a custom method, but I think somehow that is not the intended way.
Thank you.`
I found a solution, not sure if the intended one, but it works. I need to use
Claims claims = new DefaultClaims();
claims = Jwts.parser().setSigningKey("SECRET").parseClaimsJws(jwt).getBody();
} catch (SignatureException e){
//Signature error
I can use Map methods on claims, but also the built-in methods to recover the individual claims:
String jti = claims.getId();
String iss = claims.getIssuer();
String sub = claims.getSubject();
String iat = claims.getIssuedAt().toString();
String exp = claims.getExpiration().toString();
ArrayList<String> perms = (ArrayList<String>) claims.get("perms");
I think I can suppress the warning on the unchecked casting because since I created the custom claim with the same value class, I know what to expect on it. Now the claims in the token are parsed correctly into variables I can work with.