Top "Jira-plugin" questions

JIRA plugins add additional functions to Atlassian JIRA.

How to create a report in Jira of all the hours I've worked in a week

We use Jira ( plain jira, no greenhopper ) for project/task management and a separate system for time tracking. How can …

jira jira-plugin time-tracking
Export JIRA Data

What is the best way to export all JIRA data (projects, issues, ...)? I saw that there is an API and …

export jira jira-plugin
How to trigger a Jenkins job from a status change in Jira

I have been looking for a while now for a way to trigger a Jenkins job from the status or …

jenkins jira jenkins-plugins jira-plugin jenkins-jira-trigger
Create JIRA sub-tasks automatically when issue created

I am wondering there is a way to create sub-tasks automatically when issue created. For example, I create a custom …

jira jira-plugin
How do I save a value into a custom field in JIRA programmatically?

I've spent days trying to find out how to save or update a value into a CustomField programmatically and finally …

java jira jira-plugin atlassian-plugin-sdk
Updating Jira tickets from Jenkins workflow (jenkinsfile)

How can I update a jira issue from within a Jenkinsfile (jenkins-worflow/pipeline)? Is there a way I could use …

jenkins jira jira-plugin jenkins-cli jenkins-workflow
Using a JIRA workflow function to create a new issue in another project

Context I have a JIRA project for core product which we use both for bug tracking and managing product backlog …

jira jira-plugin
How do I close a project in Jira?

There are a few tasks still open in the backlog, but we're done with the project and I would like …

project-management bug-tracking jira jira-plugin
How to add new values to select list field in jira dynamically or using plug-in

Here is the my use case. 1. I have a "Customer Name" text field and "All Customers" single select list. 2. When …

jira jira-plugin jira-rest-java-api
How to get JIRA Agile issues assigned to the current sprint for the current user using the JIRA REST API?

I'm getting started working with the JIRA REST API. I've learned how to get all the issues assigned to the …

jira jira-plugin jira-rest-api jira-agile greenhopper