Questions about the Jenkins “Pipeline” plugin suite (formerly “Workflow”). Not about pipelines in Jenkins in general (e.g. using downstream jobs).
I am working on a Jenkinsfile for use with Jenkins 2.0. The readMavenPom method is not recognized. Is there some configuration …
jenkins jenkins-workflow jenkins-2How can I update a jira issue from within a Jenkinsfile (jenkins-worflow/pipeline)? Is there a way I could use …
jenkins jira jira-plugin jenkins-cli jenkins-workflowWe have a product that consists of many Maven projects that depend on each other. All of these Maven projects …
maven jenkins jenkins-workflow maven-module maven-dependencyI notice there are (at least) two orchestration options for Jenkins Build Flow Workflow - Now known as Pipeline I …
jenkins jenkins-plugins jenkins-workflow jenkins-build-flowI'm trying to use Jenkins on Cloudbees to automate deployment of my software. I setup my workflow as following. There …
groovy jenkins cloudbees continuous-deployment jenkins-workflowFor automation, I would like to initialize a Jenkins 2.0 instance with a pipeline job. I want to create a Groovy …
jenkins groovy jenkins-pipeline jenkins-workflow jenkins-job-dsl