Jekyll is a blog-aware, static site generator written in Ruby.
I am kinda new to grunt and want to use it with Jekyll and some LESS-compiling. My problem now is, …
javascript gruntjs jekyll grunt-contrib-watchI have been playing around with Jekyll for a couple of weeks now and I am trying to create a …
html css jekyllI have a set of nested yaml lists with something like the following: title: the example image: link.jpg products: …
yaml jekyllI would like to use Jekyll to create a site. not a blog. Is there a way to avoid to …
html ruby jekyllHere's a Github repository of mine: There's a gh-pages branch to hold the project …
redirect github hosting jekyll github-pagesI am building my personal website using Jekyll and hosting it at github-pages. I would like to have a password …
jekyll github-pagesI have blog on github pages - jekyll What is the best way to solve url strategy migration? I found …
redirect github jekyll http-status-code-301 github-pagesIs it possible to integrate disqus html comments in a blog using github-pages? I like the idea of using github, …
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