Top "Jekyll" questions

Jekyll is a blog-aware, static site generator written in Ruby.

How do I create an IF ELSE statement if there are no Jekyll posts in a category?

I have a FOR statement that outputs all posts of type jobs. {% for post in %} <article&…

Jekyll post not generated

I am trying to add a new post to my Jekyll site, but I cannot see it on the generated …

Github contact form with jekyll?

I'm planning on building and deploying a static site on github. If i was to do that is it still …

jekyll contact-form
Github flavored Markdown and pygments highlighting in Jekyll

I've deployed my Jekyll blog on a VPS. I would now like to add Github-flavored Markdown to it, using Pygments …

github markdown jekyll pygments
How do I put a hyperlink inside a list in Markdown on GitHub Pages?

I have tried the following syntax to make a Markdown list item on a GitHub page of mine a hyperlink: 1. […

markdown jekyll github-pages kramdown
Liquid templates: even/odd items in for loop

If I have a for loop in Liquid (using Jekyll), how can I target even (or odd) items only? I …

jekyll liquid
How can I get a post excerpt in Jekyll?

I'm creating a new blog using Jekyll. On the main page, there will be a list of my 10 most recent …

text web blogs jekyll
How can I show just the most recent post on my home page with jekyll?

<ul class="entries"> {% for post in paginator.posts %} <li> <a href="{{ post.url }}"> <…

templates jekyll templating liquid liquid-layout
don't have jekyll-paginate or one of its dependencies installed

I have installed this jekyll theme. But faced with one issue. If I do: bundle exec jekyll serve All work …

ruby rubygems jekyll github-pages jekyll-paginator
how to compress and minify assets using jekyll plugins

I have a simple test jekyll app like so: index.html is: <script type="text/javascript" src="/assets/myfile.…

jekyll minify