Top "Jedis" questions

Jedis is a small free client for Redis, written in and for Java.

How to setup a connection to Redis Sentinel using Jedis library?

How do I setup a connection to a Redis Sentinel server/cluster using the Jedis library?

java redis jedis sentinel
JedisConnectionFactory setHostName is deprecated

This will be my first time connecting Spring to Redis. The documentation for jedis connection factory:…

redis spring-data jedis
Jedis and Lettuce async abilities

I am using redis with Akka so I need no blocking calls. Lettuce has async-future call built into it. But …

java asynchronous redis jedis lettuce
Redis : Is there a limit to the number of keys that i can store?

First the context, im trying to use Redis as an in-memory store backed with persistence. I need to store large …

redis jedis
Cannot get Jedis connection; Could not get a resource from the pool

I am running a batch job for every 5 minutes and I don't wanna other nodes to run the same job …

java spring redis jedis spring-data-redis
Cannot connect to redis using jedis

Redis version: 3.2.0 Jedis version: 2.8.1 Below is my java code for connecting to redis: public class TestRedis { public static void main(…

redis jedis
How to use SCAN commands in Jedis

I was using redis and jedis for quite some time and never needed the SCAN commands so far. Now however …

redis iteration jedis
Spring Redis Error Handle

I am using Spring + Redis as my cache component in the new project. The spring config xml file is: <!…

error-handling redis spring-data jedis
Can't run Jedis example: JedisConnectionException: Could not get a resource from the pool

I'm trying the Jedis (Redis for Java) "Basic usage example" from but I'm …

redis jedis
jedis connection settings for high performance and reliablity

I am using Jedis client for connecting to my Redis server. The following are the settings I'm using for connecting …

redis apache-commons jedis