Top "Jedi" questions

The JEDI (Joint Endeavour of Delphi Innovators) project is a large open-source library of Windows API translations, visual and non-visual components, and other useful classes and libraries.

How to install JVCL packages if the installer failed when I ran it as a non-Administrator User

I use Win7. I have installed Jedi VCL Components in my Delphi XE and It work correctly. However if I …

delphi delphi-xe vcl jedi jvcl
Where do I find the bpl file after I compile a package?

I want to create *.bpl file but I am failing to do so. Specifically, I am trying to make JEDI …

delphi package delphi-xe3 jedi jvcl
Jedi USB project read and write Delphi

I am using the Jedi usb hid component to connect to, read and write from a HID device. I have …

delphi usb hid jedi
How to properly setup Jedi with elpy in emacs?

I am using emacs with elpy as mode for working with python code. I have also installed Jedi for, mainly, …

python emacs jedi