Top "Jconsole" questions

A Java debugging aid that redirects any System.

How do I programmatically dump JMX data?

I want to be able to log all JMX data accessible via jconsole. Is there a way to do this …

java logging jmx jconsole
Where is JConsole in Leopard

does anyone knows where JConsole is Located in MacOSX (Leopard)?

java macos osx-leopard jconsole
MBean Simple Graph Monitor

I have some JMX Beans that expose performance information in my application. I would like to have some facility to …

jmx jconsole visualvm
JConsole can't find process

I tried to run JConsole to analyze the memory used by a running process, but JConsole doesn't show me processes …

NPE in JBossWS on JBoss 4.2.2 with jmxremote enabled

I am trying to set up JBoss 4.2.2 and JConsole for remote monitoring. As per many of the how-to's I have …

java jboss jmx jconsole jbossws
Better options to view JMX beans other than Jconsole

JConsole has quiet a buggy view to monitor JMX published counters. What are the other alternatives ? I am unable to …

java jmx jconsole jvisualvm
Can't connect jconsole to remote server, tomcat failing to start

Trying to connect jconsole to a remote server. I added this to my export JAVA_OPTS="-Dcom.sun.…

java tomcat jvm jconsole
Use of JMX and How to use for existing applications

We have distributed web application developed few years back on JDK 5. How JMX will help this application? 1) Will it help …

java jmx jconsole performance
Is there a way to do a live heap dump with ibm-jdk for linux?

I know that it's possible to dump heap when an OutOfMemoryException is occuring on this JVM but is it possible …

java jdk1.6 jconsole jmap
JConsole command line credentials

Is it possible to pass credentials for monitored resource to JConsole while starting it via command line. I've got the …

command-line jmx jconsole