Top "Jca" questions

The Java Connector Architecture (JCA) defines a standard architecture for connecting the Java EE platform to heterogeneous Enterprise Information Systems (EIS).

Stored Proc hitting ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error

I'm having a problem calling a stored procedure from OSB 11g thru JCA Adapter. The error I'm getting is: ORA-06502: …

oracle stored-procedures weblogic11g osb jca
Different kind of Java EE projects

What is the different between different kind of Java EE projects in Eclipse WTP? There are: Application Client Project Connector …

eclipse ear eclipse-wtp jca application-client
How to get the object from RSA Privatekey.pem file?

I have a RSA private key file (OCkey.pem). Using java i have to get the private key from this …

java ssl jca jsse
JCA sample implementations

I need to develop a JCA adapter and am looking for some references. I searched on Amazon, and found only 2 …

java jca
How can I read a BouncyCastle private key PEM file using JCA?

In one of our applications private keys are stored using BouncyCastle's PEMWriter. At the moment I am investigating if we …

java openssl bouncycastle pem jca
Key length limit with Java Cryptography Extension

I am aware that the keylenght in the Sun/Oracle JVM is limited for judical reasons. However as far as …

java cryptography bouncycastle jce jca
What are the benefits of JCA?

Our application often connects to a different kind of back-ends over web services, MQ, JDBC, proprietary (direct over socket) and …

java jakarta-ee backend connector jca
Create DES key from 56 bit binary string

I have a 56 bit binary string that i want to use as the secret key for DES encryption. I found …

java binary jca