I am using JavaScriptSerializer for serializing DateTime, but when I deserialize it show one day less from the date it …
c#-4.0 datetime javascriptserializerI am serializing a complex object with lot of properties of other Types and Lists to JSON form but the …
json datetime javascriptserializerI have a JSON object where the value of one element is a string. In this string there are the … json serialization encoding javascriptserializerI'm successfully using the JavaScriptSerializer in MVC3 to de-serialize a json string in to a dynamic object. What I can't …
c# javascriptserializer dynamicobjectTrying to deserialize this JSON: { "result":"success" "arguments": { "activeTorrentCount":22, "cumulative-stats": { "downloadedBytes":1111, } } } My class: private class DeserializationMain { public string result; //works …
c# .net json serialization javascriptserializerI have my Entity Framework Entities split out into a separate class library from my web project and data access … entity-framework circular-reference javascriptserializerIn my C# code, I'm trying to deserialize a JSON with 100s of properties (complex, primitive, derived) and I'm getting …
c# .net json-deserialization javascriptserializerI have returning a Json(myObj) action result. The myObj is of type Badge The only two objects that Badge …
c# javascriptserializerMy service method: [WebMethod] [ScriptMethod(ResponseFormat = ResponseFormat.Json)] public string getDataFromTrainingMaster() { List<TrainingMasterDataStruct> results = new DAL().GetDataFromTrainingMaster(); JavaScriptSerializer …
c# .net asmx javascriptserializerI Have an Array of users that i want to pass into a view as a javascript array. I'm doing …
javascript jquery javascriptserializer