Top "Javascriptserializer" questions


Web.config jsonSerialization maxJsonLength ignored

I have an MVC3 application running under .NET 4.0 and when I use JavascriptSerializer.Deserialize I'm getting an error. Error during … webclient javascriptserializer
JavaScriptSerializer Invalid JSON primitive

When I use the JavaScriptSerializer in C# I'm getting a "Invalid JSON primitive" exception. I assume the issue is with …

c# json javascriptserializer
JSON serializing an object with function parameter

I have this C# object: var obj = new { username = "andrey", callback = "function(self) { return function() {self.doSomething()} (this) }" } I need …

c# ajax json javascriptserializer
Create JSON object from string in C#

I am trying to create a JSON string which contains one container and one array. I can do this by …

c# .net json javascriptserializer
JavaScriptSerializer deserialize object "collection" as property in object failing

I have a js object structured like: object.property1 = "some string"; object.property2 = "some string"; object.property3.property1 = "some string"; …

javascript serialization javascriptserializer
Problem deserializating JSON Date in C# - adding 2 hours

We are having such a nasty problem when deserializating a JSON date to a C# DateTime. The code is: JavaScriptSerializer …

c# json javascriptserializer
Using JavaScriptSerializer.DeserializeObject how can I get back a Dictionary that uses a case insensitive string comparer?

I have some JSON that I need to deserialize so I'm using JavaScriptSerializer.DeserializeObject like: var jsonObject = serializer.DeserializeObject(line) …

c# json javascriptserializer
JavascriptSerializer exception

I have the following data: {"data":{"id":"7IaWnXo","title":null,"description":null,"datetime":1397926970,"type":"image/png","animated":false,"width":60,"height":60,"…

c# exception javascriptserializer
JavaScriptSerializer with custom Type

I have a function with a List return type. I'm using this in a JSON-enabled WebService like: [WebMethod(EnableSession = true)] [… javascriptserializer
serializing data using size limit?

I have developed an web application and initially serialized some data to a json string using the built …

c# .net javascriptserializer