Top "Javascriptserializer" questions


Using System.Web.Script.Serialization.JavascriptSerializer to deserialize JSON - how to?

Note: I posted a similar question, which was the ancestor of this question, as I was originally thinking of using …

c# .net json serialization javascriptserializer
How to set formatting with JavaScriptSerializer when JSON serializing?

I am using JavaScriptSerializer for serializing objects to the file to the JSON format. But the result file has no …

.net json serialization formatting javascriptserializer
ASP.NET C#: JavascriptSerializer could not be found

I'm trying to use the JavascriptSerializer object in ASP.NET v4.0 with C#. I'm not using Visual Studio--this is on …

c# javascriptserializer
Serializing dictionaries with JavaScriptSerializer

Apparently, IDictionary<string,object> is serialized as an array of KeyValuePair objects (e.g., [{Key:"foo", Value:"bar"}, ...]). …

c# json serialization javascriptserializer
Binding DateTime to knockout view model with default JavaScriptSerializer

I've just started using knockout and I'm running into trouble with DateTime Serialization and Deserialization using the JavaScriptSerializer. I've updated …

javascript json datetime knockout.js javascriptserializer
JSON Maximum length problem with ASP.NET

I am creating a 2.0 webservice which give json as output and there's a very large, can't be break … json javascriptserializer
JavaScriptSerializer. How to ignore property

I know about ScriptIgnoreAttribute. But what if I want to ignore a property based on criteria. For example how to …

c# .net json javascriptserializer
How to troubleshoot KeyNotFoundException

I am using the following to deserialize a JSON string into my own class: JavaScriptSerializer serializer = new JavaScriptSerializer(); Dictionary<…

c# .net javascriptserializer
ASMX webservice - return JSON instead of XML

I have a web service that contains one method: [WebMethod] public string Movies() { using (var dataContext = new MovieCollectionDataContext()) { var query = …

c# json web-services asmx javascriptserializer
JavaScriptSerializer - custom property name

I am using JavaScriptSerializer to deserialize json data. Everything works pretty well, but my problem is, that one property in …

c# json javascriptserializer