Top "Java-stored-procedures" questions

A subroutine stored in a relational database system written in the Java programming language

How to include jar files to a Java Stored Procedure in Oracle?

I'm realizing a stored procedure and need now the ability to include jar files to my stored procedure, which do …

java oracle stored-procedures java-stored-procedures
Spring JDBCTemplate Stored Procedure with ResultSet and OutPut Parameter

I created a stored procedure which returns result rows and two output parameters. I am unable to find any thing …

spring resultset jdbctemplate java-stored-procedures output-parameter
Resultset of stored procedure contains list of LinkedCaseInsensitiveMap<V>

I have this stored procedure call in Java: @Autowired public ScoreDao(DataSource dataSource) { setDataSource(dataSource); mScoreStoredProcedure = new ScoreStoredProcedure(dataSource); } public …

java spring spring-jdbc java-stored-procedures
Confusion over class resolution in Oracle java stored procedures

I'm trying to use a third-party java library within oracle. The library seems compatible with the same 1.4 version of the …

java oracle java-stored-procedures loadjava
Spring JcbcTemplate to call Oracle Stored Proc. Spring 3.2

I have some straight JDBC code using a CallableStatement working. I have been trying to convert it to Spring leveraging …

java spring oracle jdbc java-stored-procedures
How to resolve An INSERT EXEC statement cannot be nested in SQL server

I have a sp in which I am returning one single column result. I am trying to store the result …

sql-server database stored-procedures java-stored-procedures
How to Call Java Code from MySQL?

I found an article from 2008 discussing how to call Java code from MySQL. There were a lot of caveats and …

java mysql java-stored-procedures
Unit testing a java class extending Stored Procedure with EasyMock

When I try to unit test the following class extending StoredProcedure I am getting an NullPointerException at the line: return (…

java easymock java-stored-procedures