Inserting byte[] array as blob in Oracle Database getting ORA-01460: unimplemented or unreasonable conversion requested

medium picture medium · Oct 17, 2011 · Viewed 20.5k times · Source

I have a java stored procedure that I am trying to insert a byte[] array into an oracle blob field in a table.

I create a prepared statement as follows but it will randomly fail when I execute the prepared statement. I have narrowed down that the issue is coming from the pstmt.setBytes(4,content). The error I get is:

ORA-01460: unimplemented or unreasonable conversion requested.

private static void insertFile(Connection connOracle, int zipFileId, byte[] data, String filepath, String filename ) throws SQLException {

try {
    String QUERY = "INSERT INTO files(file_id, zip_file_id, filename, file_path, content) VALUES(SEQ_FILE_ID.nextval,?,?,?,?)";

    PreparedStatement pstmt = connOracle.prepareStatement(QUERY);

    pstmt.setString(2, filename);
    pstmt.setString(3, filepath);
    pstmt.setBytes(4, data);

    System.out.println("INSERTING file_id " + filepath + ", " + filename + " INTO DATABASE");

catch (SQLException e) {
    throw new SQLException(e.getMessage());  


a_horse_with_no_name picture a_horse_with_no_name · Aug 26, 2013

If I recall correctly the Oracle JDBC drivers (at least older ones - you didn't tell us which version you are using) don't support setBytes() (or getBytes()).

In my experience, using setBinaryStream() is much more reliable and stable:

InputStream in = new ByteArrayInputStream(data);
pstmt.setBinarySream(4, in, data.length);