Top "Java-me" questions

Java Platform, Micro Edition, or Java ME, is a Java platform designed for embedded systems.

How to implement a most-recently-used cache

What would be the best way to implement a most-recently-used cache of objects? Here are the requirements and restrictions... Objects …

java algorithm caching java-me mru
Can I compress HTTP Requests using GZIP?

I am communicating to a Tomcat Server using a Java ME application on my mobile device. I was wondering if …

java java-me http-compression
Java obfuscation - ProGuard/yGuard/other?

This is along similar lines as these recent questions: Best Java Obfuscation Application For Size Reduction Creating non-reverse-engineerable Java programs …

java java-me obfuscation proguard yguard
Why is my NullPointerException not being caught in my catch block?

I have a thread in which I catch all errors in a big, all-encompassing catch block. I do this so …

java exception java-me try-catch java-wireless-toolkit
How to parse the JSON response in Blackberry/J2ME?

I want to parse the response coming from the server in JSON format. I have done some googling but i …

json blackberry java-me
how to install javax.microedition.lcdui package into Netbeans

I am using NetBeans 6.9.1. When I try to import javax.microedition.lcdui.Command; import javax.microedition.lcdui.CommandListener; import javax.…

java netbeans java-me midp lcdui
J2ME/Blackberry - how to read/write text file?

please give me a sample code for read/write text file in blackberry application.

blackberry file-io java-me text-files jsr75
how to kill a thread which is waiting for blocking function call in Java?

I have a thread: Thread t = new Thread(){ public void run(){ ServerSocketConnection scn = (ServerSocketConnection)"socket://:1234"); // Wait for a …

java multithreading java-me midp
Which phones support which J2ME (Java Micro Edition) spec?

I just can't find an up-to-date chart about which mobile devices support which Java Micro Edition version. I'm especially interested …

java java-me nokia smartphone
Reading an inputStream all at once

I have developed a j2me application that connects to my webhosting server through sockets. I read responses from the …

java sockets java-me inputstream