Top "Http-compression" questions

HTTP compression is a capability that can be built into web servers and web clients to make better use of available bandwidth, and provide faster transmission speeds between both

Combine and Minify Multiple CSS / JS Files

I am trying to optimize a site performance by consolidating and compressing the CSS and JS files. My question is …

javascript css optimization yui-compressor http-compression
HttpWebRequest & Native GZip Compression

When requesting a page with Gzip compression I am getting a lot of the following errors: System.IO.InvalidDataException: The …

c# .net stream gzip http-compression
How do I compress a Json result from ASP.NET MVC with IIS 7.5

I'm having difficulty making IIS 7 correctly compress a Json result from ASP.NET MVC. I've enabled static and dynamic compression … json iis-7 http-compression
GZIP compression + htaccess deflate

Can I have both .htaccess with: DEFLATE On php, images, html files etc. + php header with: ob_start("gzhandler") ? If …

php compression gzip http-compression
why png size doesn't change after using http gzip compression

I use following .htaccess to set gzip compression: AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/html image/png image/jpeg text/css text/javascript …

apache .htaccess gzip deflate http-compression
What is gZip compression?

I have heard a lot that one should use gZip for their webpages for faster access and downloads, and that …

html browser gzip http-compression
IIS as a reverse proxy - compression of rewritten response from backend server

I am implementing a reverse proxy for routing requests to a backend server. Functionally everything works correctly, however I am … iis reverse-proxy http-compression arr
Removing extra whitespace from generated HTML in MVC

I have an MVC application view that is generating quite a large HTML table of values (>20MB). I am …

html compression whitespace http-compression
How to enable gzip HTTP compression on Windows Azure dynamic content

I've been trying unsuccessfully to enable gzip HTTP compression on my Windows Azure hosted WCF Restful service which returns JSON …

json gzip azure http-compression
Compress HTTP GET Response

I am currently working on migrating few of my MVC3 Controllers to MVC4 Api Controllers. I have implemented Compression mechanism …

c# http-compression