Top "Irb" questions

Interactive Ruby (IRB) is a shell for programming in Ruby.

Reload the rails console

Regarding the use of Rails console, when I make some change on a model, do I need to reload the …

ruby-on-rails irb
Neither ruby and nor irb can load .rb file in current directory

I'm having a really noob problem with importing files in Ruby. I'm making a Ruby app in Windows XP. All …

ruby import require irb ruby-1.9.2
In IRB, can I view the source of a method I defined earlier?

If I define a method in IRB, is there any way to review its source later in the session? > …

ruby irb
How to run IRB.start in context of current class

I've been just going through PragProg Continuous Testing With Ruby, where they talk about invoking IRB in context of current …

ruby irb
Rails 3 - How can you get access to Devise's current_user in the IRB console?

I'm doing some design/debugging in IRB and need to login a user and then be able to use current_…

ruby-on-rails-3 session devise irb
Regular expression "empty range in char class error"

I got a regex in my code, which is to match pattern of url and threw error: /^(http|https):\/\/([\w-]+\.)+[\…

ruby regex irb
Load file to rails console with access to variables defined in this file

I work with rails console and often i need to preload some ruby code to work with. #file that i …

ruby-on-rails ruby console irb
Backspace and arrow keys aren't working in IRB(Git Bash console) on windows machine

I just installed ruby 1.9.2 on windows machine and Backspace or any other arrow keys don't work. This happens only when …

ruby irb git-bash
All commands in irb giving "NoMethodError: undefined method `write' for nil:NilClass"

I am trying to get the current ruby version from IRB but its giving me this error: >> RUBY_…

ruby irb
Can you 'require' ruby file in irb session, automatically, on every command?

I am currently editing a file, and I'm using irb to test the api: > require './file.rb' > …

ruby irb