Top "Ipython-notebook" questions

The Jupyter Notebook is a web application that provides a frontend to many different languages and interactive shells such as IPython.

Inline math mode on iPython notebook

In iPython notebook, how can I write a mathematic formula such as r^2 in a line (inline math mode in …

latex ipython ipython-notebook mathjax
Best practices for turning jupyter notebooks into python scripts

Jupyter (iPython) notebook is deservedly known as a good tool for prototyping the code and doing all kinds of machine …

python refactoring ipython-notebook readability jupyter
Jupyter notebook matplotlib figures missing in exported pdf

When generating a pdf in jupyter notebook, everything works great, but I would like to keep the inline figures inside …

matplotlib ipython-notebook jupyter jupyter-notebook nbconvert
Make ipython notebook print in real time

Ipython Notebook doesn't seem to print results in real time, but seems to buffer in a certain way and then …

python buffer ipython-notebook
Retrieving files from remote IPython notebook server?

If I don't want to give out SSH access to users of my remote IPython notebook server. Is there a …

ipython ipython-notebook remote-server
IPython Notebook Open File Dialog (retrieve the full path)

An ipython notebook is a document that is read by the browser that contains both rich text and python code. …

javascript python html ipython-notebook file-browser
Turn off auto-closing parentheses in ipython

I stay up-to-date with ipython's dev branch (because ipython is pretty much the most awesome thing ever). Fairly recently (before …

ipython ipython-notebook
Can you capture the output of ipython's magic methods? (timeit)

I want to capture and plot the results from 5 or so timeit calls with logarithmically increasing sizes of N to …

ipython ipython-notebook timeit
Print into console terminal not into cell output of IPython Notebook

I would like to print into the terminal window that runs IPython Notebook and not into the cell output. Printing …

python windows ipython ipython-notebook python-3.4
IPython Notebook Sympy Math Rendering

I have just started with using IPython Notebook and have been fascinated by its power. I have been using a …

sympy ipython-notebook