Top "Ipython-notebook" questions

The Jupyter Notebook is a web application that provides a frontend to many different languages and interactive shells such as IPython.

How to set the matplotlib figure default size in ipython notebook?

I use "$ipython notebook --pylab inline" to start the ipython notebook. The display matplotlib figure size is too big for …

matplotlib ipython-notebook
resize ipython notebook output window

By default the ipython notebook ouput is limited to a small sub window at the bottom. This makes us force …

ipython-notebook jupyter-notebook
How To Get IPython Notebook To Run Python 3?

I am new to Python to bear with me. I installed Anaconda, works great. I setup a Python 3 environment following …

python python-3.x ipython ipython-notebook
Display multiple images in one IPython Notebook cell?

If I have multiple images (loaded as NumPy arrays) how can I display the in one IPython Notebook cell? I …

ipython ipython-notebook
How do you suppress output in IPython Notebook?

How can output to stdout be suppressed? A semi-colon can be used to supress display of returned objects, for example &…

ImportError: No module named notebook.notebookapp

What do you recommend guys for this error when I type in console ipython notebook and got ImportError: No module …

Changing the default port for iPython notebook server / Jupyter

I am trying to run an ipython notebook / jupyter server on a machine behind a firewall. The only port which …

port ipython ipython-notebook anaconda jupyter
export notebook to pdf without code

I have a large notebook with a lot of figures and text. I want to convert it to a html …

python ipython-notebook jupyter-notebook nbconvert
Inline animations in Jupyter

I have a python animation script (using matplotlib's funcAnimation), which runs in Spyder but not in Jupyter. I have tried …

python animation matplotlib jupyter-notebook ipython-notebook
Jupyter notebook display two pandas tables side by side

I have two pandas dataframes and I would like to display them in Jupyter notebook. Doing something like: display(df1) …

pandas ipython-notebook jupyter-notebook