Top "Ipython-notebook" questions

The Jupyter Notebook is a web application that provides a frontend to many different languages and interactive shells such as IPython.

How do I reset the Jupyter/IPython input prompt numbering?

I just wrote my first extensive Python tutorial using IPython notebooks. All went well, except I did a lot of …

ipython jupyter-notebook ipython-notebook jupyter
How can I set the x-axis as datetimes on a bokeh plot?

I'm using bokeh with an ipython notebook. I want to plot a line graph in bokeh using a pandas DataFrame …

python pandas ipython-notebook bokeh
Can I access python variables within a `%%bash` or `%%script` ipython notebook cell?

Is there a way to access variables in the current python kernel from within a %%bash or other %%script cell? …

ipython-notebook ipython-magic
How can I check if code is executed in the IPython notebook?

I have some Python code example I'd like to share that should do something different if executed in the terminal …

python ipython ipython-notebook
iPython Notebook/Jupyter autosave failed

I am working in iPython 3/Jupyter running multiple kernels and servers. As such, i often forget to personally save things …

ipython-notebook autosave jupyter
inline images have low quality

I'm loading a TIF file with scikit-image and displaying it inline in an ipython notebook (version 2.2.0). This works, however, the …

matplotlib ipython-notebook scikit-image
How to do superscripts and subscripts in Jupyter Notebook?

I want to to use numbers to indicate references in footnotes, so I was wondering inside of Jupyter Notebook how …

python jupyter-notebook ipython-notebook jupyter data-science
How to reference a IPython notebook cell in markdown?

How do I reference a cell in a IPython notebook markdown? I know how to make a reference to an …

ipython ipython-notebook
How to (intermittently) skip certain cells when running IPython notebook?

I usually have to rerun (most parts of) a notebook when reopen it, in order to get access to previously …

python ipython ipython-notebook ipython-magic
No module named sympy

Hi I'm learning linear algebra with python with an Edx course. (…

python python-2.7 ipython ipython-notebook sympy