Top "Iphone-standalone-web-app" questions

An iOS web app whose content is purely web-browser-based and runs outside of Mobile Safari in a chromeless browser using the meta declaration: <meta name="apple-mobile-web-app-capable" content="yes" />

iPhone WebApps, is there a way to detect how it was loaded? Home Screen vs Safari?

I have an iPhone Web App, and I'm interested in detecting if the app was loaded either from: iPhone Safari …

iphone mobile web-applications iphone-standalone-web-app
Is it possible to force iphone/ipod to update apple-touch-icon once webapp is added to home screen?

I have created a webapp using all of the recommended link and meta tags for safari, eg. <meta name="…

iphone html ios safari iphone-standalone-web-app
iOS network activity indicator keeps spinning in web app added to home screen

2nd update, March 2014: Apple closed the bug saying they don't have enough information, but my project is a big PHP …

ios web-applications iphone-web-app iphone-standalone-web-app
iOS 6 breaks GeoLocation in webapps (apple-mobile-web-app-capable)

I have an app that does a simple textbook navigator.geoLocation.watchPosition(...) that works great in iOS 5.x both in …

iphone ipad ios6 geolocation iphone-standalone-web-app
"apple-mobile-web-app-capable" site switches to Mobile Safari after logout

When running a mobile site in iOS full screen mode, using the "apple-mobile-web-app-capable" meta tag, I am using a combination …

ios session mobile-safari iphone-standalone-web-app
Difference between apple-mobile-web-app-capable and apple-touch-fullscreen | iPhone / iOS meta tags

I have a question for which I couldn't find answer neither in google or directly at apple developer forum. What …

iphone html ipad meta-tags iphone-standalone-web-app
How do they do this - Mobile Site Added to Homescreen Appears as Standalone App

So I've only seen one website do this and I'm very curious to know how they do it. I'm using …

iphone html mobile web iphone-standalone-web-app
iOS Full Screen Web App drops cookies?

I have experienced that iOS4 drops cookies when you start/exits a web app saved to the dashboard (full screen …

ios mobile cookies iphone-standalone-web-app
Remove form assistant from keyboard in iPhone standalone web app

Is it possible to remove the form assistant from the iPhone popup keyboard in a standalone web app? I know …

iphone html css iphone-web-app iphone-standalone-web-app
iOS 9 status bar meta tag and startup image links not working

Since updating my iPhone 5s to the iOS 9 beta trial, I have found that the status bar styling meta tag, …

ios iphone meta-tags iphone-standalone-web-app ios9