Top "Iphone-standalone-web-app" questions

An iOS web app whose content is purely web-browser-based and runs outside of Mobile Safari in a chromeless browser using the meta declaration: <meta name="apple-mobile-web-app-capable" content="yes" />

Safari Mobile full screen

I'm trying to set the full screen mode on my iPhone Web App, I have read the Apple's documentation on …

iphone web-applications fullscreen iphone-standalone-web-app metatag
iPhone web app startup screen

I'm working on an iPhone web app where I'm using the "apple-mobile-web-app-capable" meta tag to get "full screen mode". When …

iphone web-applications fullscreen iphone-standalone-web-app
iPhone "Bookmark to Homescreen" removes cookies and session?

Right now I am developing a Web-based Application, where the User has to login first. When I open the Page …

iphone web-applications mobile-safari iphone-standalone-web-app
iOS 'Web App' has different localStorage than Mobile Safari

I have a webapp for iPad with the meta tag: <meta name="apple-mobile-web-app-capable" content="yes"> When I open …

ios web-applications local-storage fullscreen iphone-standalone-web-app
iPhone, '_blank') does not open links in mobile Safari

I'm sending users to some .pdfs in a standalone web app (saved to home page, no PhoneGap) on iPhone/iPad. …

ios html iphone-standalone-web-app
Build an ASP.Net web app with offline functionality

I'm in the process of building an (3.5) web app and was wondering if you knew of any way … web-applications webforms iphone-standalone-web-app
IPhone push notfication for a webapp?

Is it possible to implement IPhone's push notification service for a Webapp that has an icon on the "desktop"? If …

iphone push-notification iphone-web-app iphone-standalone-web-app
Stop native web app from reloading itself upon opening on iOS

I'm trying to build a "native web app" using HTML + JS on iOS. As you may know you can add …

ios web-applications iphone-standalone-web-app
Install webapp to homescreen on iPhone?

How do I go about allowing my webapp to be installed as an icon on a user's homescreen? Is the …

iphone caching web-applications homescreen iphone-standalone-web-app