Build an ASP.Net web app with offline functionality

donpisci picture donpisci · Aug 7, 2013 · Viewed 17.1k times · Source

I'm in the process of building an (3.5) web app and was wondering if you knew of any way I could do it so that there would be some offline functionality.

This is needed as people will be able to 'install' the web app on their device (using the 'Add to home screen' function on an iPhone for example) and then use the app when they are offline; the usage would only be limited (there would be no need for server calls at this point either).

Can this be done with an .aspx page?

Edit- .manifest added:



Edit no.2-

We have it working offline, in a fashion; it works when in safari but we don't want it in safari, we want it as a standalone app. When we try to run it like this we get the 'can't connect to server error'. Is this possible with a .aspx page?

Edit no.3 -

We've got this to work using a .html page but still not yet with an .aspx

Edit no.4-

It's now working, although we're unsure why! We added the index.aspx to the 'network' section of the cache.manifest last week (which didn't work last week!) which may have helped but once I know for sure I'll update you with what actually happened!

Thanks to all for your help!


Minduca picture Minduca · Aug 7, 2013

For offline HTML5 applications with ASP.NET, see this link and this link.

For offline functionalities, there are some alternatives:

01 - If you need to store small amounts of data in the offline application, and security is not a big concern, you can use HTML5 Web Storage (link, link, link, link, link, and take a look at CanIUse for understand browser version support).

The main disadvantages are that it lacks in security, is key-value based (no complex structures) and there is a big limitation in storage size (5MB for most browsers).

02 - If you need larger amount of data, you can look at IndexDB (link, link, link and CanIUse) or Web Sql (link, link, link and CanIUse for browser support).

The main disadvantages of Web SQL are that it is not supported by Firefox an IE. Also, it is deprecated by W3C.

IndexDB is good (link), but it seems like ios still doesnt support it (see canIUse).

For approaches 1 and 2, you can make a responsive design or a dedicated mobile web site in your ASP.NET application (link).

03 - (greater flexibility demands more effort) Implement an Web Service in your ASP.NET application and a mobile native app applying concepts of Occasionally Connected Applications (more info: link, link)

  • ASP.NET Web Application => For the web application, expose a Web Service with services related to the offline functionality.

  • Mobile application => Implement a native mobile app (e.g., develop an app for android and iphone) with a database for the application. You then create the offline functionality in the mobile app that will use its own database to read and write (locally) data that must be available offline.

You then implement a silent synchronization mechanism in the mobile app that relies on internet (e.g. a recurrent thread) that will search for updates by accessing the ASP.NET application via Web Service. This sync mechanism will send the data that was stored locally and recover data from the Web Service that can be useful for the offline functionality.

Hope it helps.