Top "Ios8" questions

iOS 8 is the eighth version of Apple's iOS mobile operating system.

How to get device console in Xcode6?

I am exploring iOS8 beta. I couldn't find the device console logs in "Window->Devices->MyiPad". Can someone …

ios8 xcode6
how to capture camera with UIImagePickerController in swift?

I'm trying use UIImagePickerController in swift but isn't work... my ViewController: class ViewController: UIViewController { @IBOutlet var imag : UIView = nil @IBAction …

uiimagepickercontroller swift ios8 xcode6
Status Bar showing black text, only on iPhone 6 iOS 8 simulator

I'm trying to convert my iOS 7 app to iOS 8 in Xcode 6 GM, and when i run it on the iPhone 5…

ios ios8 statusbar uistatusbar iphone-6
UISearchBar presented by UISearchController in table header view animates too far when active

I am using UISearchController to present a search bar inside the header view of a tableview: ... self.searchController.hidesNavigationBarDuringPresentation = NO; …

ios uitableview ios8 uisearchbar uisearchcontroller
Remove SeparatorInset on iOS 8 UITableView for Xcode 6 iPhone Simulator

I found a weird white space on UITableView for iPhone 6 Simulator (iOS 8) on Xcode 6 GM. I have tried to set …

ios iphone uitableview ios8 xcode6
How do I change the z index or stack order of UIView?

I've stacked a UIView on top of an existing controller in an effort to create a gradient layer. However, when …

swift uiview ios8 z-index
Disable iOS8 Quicktype Keyboard programmatically on UITextView

I'm trying to update an app for iOS8, which has a chat interface, but the new Quicktype keyboard hides the …

ios objective-c xcode ios8
Change Text Color of Items in UIActionSheet - iOS 8

I had been using following code to change text color of items which I add in UIActionSheet.: - (void)willPresentActionSheet:(…

ios uiactionsheet ios8 uiactionsheetdelegate
iOS library to BitCode

I recently downloaded Xcode 7 beta, and Xcode complains about some of my C libraries not being compiled into BitCode. How …

c ios8 xcode7-beta2 bitcode
How can I pause and resume NSTimer.scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval in swift?

I'm developing a game and I want to create a pause menu. Here is my code: self.view?.paused = true …

swift ios8 nstimer