Top "Xcode7-beta2" questions

Apple's Xcode 7 beta 2 was eased on 6/23/2015

Delay/Wait in a test case of Xcode UI testing

I am trying to write a test case using the new UI Testing available in Xcode 7 beta 2. The App has …

ios ios9 xcode-ui-testing xcode7-beta2 xctwaiter
iOS library to BitCode

I recently downloaded Xcode 7 beta, and Xcode complains about some of my C libraries not being compiled into BitCode. How …

c ios8 xcode7-beta2 bitcode
Swift: Extra argument 'error' in call

I'm currently developing my first iOS app using Swift 2.0 and Xcode Beta 2. It reads an external JSON and generates a …

ios swift2 xcode7-beta2
ld: framework not found Parse Xcode 7 beta

I succeed to install and use Parse framework with my new project, but I can't with a "template project". The …

ios swift parse-platform xcode7 xcode7-beta2
How can I run the iOS 7.1 Simulator in Xcode 7.0 beta 2?

I have installed latest Xcode 7 beta 2 version, when I am trying to run the application in iOS 7.1 Simulator its giving …

ios iphone xcode ios7.1 xcode7-beta2
"no such module" on Xcode 7 beta 2

I saw this question, but I am still unable to import a framework and use it inside Xcode 7 beta 2 (7A121…

ios swift xcode7 carthage xcode7-beta2
Swift debugger does not show variable values when importing ObjC framework

When I create a new OS X "Game" project with Sprite Kit, and set a breakpoint anywhere I can see …

xcode debugging frameworks swift2 xcode7-beta2
Xcode can't see objects added via Cocoapods

I have a podfile defined with the following pods. platform :ios, '8.0' use_frameworks! target 'LifeStream' do pod 'SSKeychain' …

ios xcode cocoapods xcode7-beta2
Swift 2 CLLocationManager Error updating

i updated Xcode 6 to Xcode 7 beta with Swift 2. I get this error and i can't find out how to fix …

cllocationmanager swift2 xcode7 xcode7-beta2