Top "Ios5.1" questions

The version of iOS (formerly iPhone OS) that was released by Apple on 7 Mar 2012.

Defining a property in iOS class extension

I would like to add a property to UITableView in a Class Extension: @interface UITableViewController () @property NSString *entityString; @end Then …

objective-c automatic-ref-counting ios5.1
iOS: Failed to launch .app file

I don't know why it is looking for directory inside my .app file. Every time I run application it installs …

iphone ios5.1 launching-application .app
how some apps can open setting app programmatically within their app

I know there are many questions: "How to open setting app programatically?" and the answer is "BIG NO". I know …

iphone ios objective-c ios6 ios5.1
Two-stage rotation animation is deprecated. This application should use the smoother single-stage animation

I am building a ipad application. when the applications starts i show it in landscape Right mode. But as soon …

ipad uiinterfaceorientation ios5.1
presentViewController:animated:completion display issues in new ios 5.1 UISplitViewController

I've ran into some problems using UISplitViewController with presentViewController:animated:completion. To break the problem down into its simplest form, …

iphone objective-c ios5.1
How to push from view controller to navigation view controller using prepareForSegue method?

I have a project which has a view controller as initial screen and then a view controller embedded inside a …

ios uiviewcontroller uinavigationcontroller segue ios5.1
How to show Xbutton(clear button) always visible in uisearchbar

In my application, I am adding a UISearchBar. My intent is to enable the UISearch Bar "X button"(clear button …

ios iphone ios5 uibutton ios5.1