Top "Ios4" questions

The 2010-2011 version of the iPhone/iPad/iPod Touch/Apple TV operating system family, made by Apple.

Force iphone app to restart programmatically?

I am trying to get my iPhone app to restart programmatically when the Logout button is pressed. Has anyone got …

iphone objective-c ios4 application-restart
Programmatically set image and text on UIButton

I need to create button programatically with an image for normal and highlighted state as well text. I cannot build …

ios iphone ios4 xcode4.2
Possible to mirror iPhone/iPad screen on a monitor without jailbreaking?

I have been looking for a way to show the iPhone screen (not the simulator) on a monitor or projector …

iphone ipad ios4 demo ios32
Using [UIColor colorWithRed:green:blue:alpha:] doesn't work with UITableView seperatorColor?

I'm trying to configure a dark gray seperator color. Why does the following do nothing? self.tableView.seperatorStyle = UITableViewCellSeperatorStyleSingleLine; self.…

iphone cocoa-touch uitableview ios4
Trying to understand CMTime and CMTimeMake

1) CMTimeMake(1,10) means duration of 1 second and timescale of 10, or 10 frames per second. This means 1s duration of video with 10 frames? 2) …

video ios4
didReceiveRemoteNotification when in background

These kind of question has been asked a number of times but i have some specific situation going on. When …

iphone ios4 apple-push-notifications
Missing file warnings showing up after upgrade to Xcode 4

I recently upgraded to Xcode 4 (which is a great upgrade) but now I'm getting some warnings that I did not …

xcode ios4 xcode4
Dial a phone number with an access code programmatically in iOS

How can I dial a phone number that includes a number and access code programmatically in iOS? For example: number: 900…

ios iphone ios4 ios-simulator
dismissViewControllerAnimated is called but ViewController is not dismissed

I am having a problems with the dismissViewControllerAnimated method not closing down the view. What is happening in the app …

iphone objective-c ios ios4 ios5
iOS Private API Documentation

Is there a web site or project documenting private APIs for the iPhone SDK?

iphone api ios4 documentation iphone-privateapi