Top "Ios11" questions

iOS 11 is the eleventh version of Apple's iOS mobile operating system.

dyld: dyld_sim not compatible mach-o

I installed Xcode 9 and trying to run my app on ios simulator 11.0. As soon as it launches the app its …

ios objective-c ipad ios11 xcode9
How to capture depth data from camera in iOS 11 and Swift 4?

I'm trying to get depth data from the camera in iOS 11 with AVDepthData, tho when I setup a photoOutput with …

swift camera ios11 color-depth
MobileNet vs SqueezeNet vs ResNet50 vs Inception v3 vs VGG16

I have recently been looking into incorporating the machine learning release for iOS developers with my app. Since this is …

ios machine-learning ios11 coreml
How do you prevent the bottom area in a React Native SafeAreaView from overlapping over the content?

I'm implementing a <SafeAreaView> on my React Native app. Most of my screens are in a ScrollView. When …

ios react-native ios11 safearealayoutguide
iOS 11 large navigation bar title unexpected velocity

I am trying to implement the iOS 11 native large navigation bar title on my new application. By calling below functions …

ios swift uinavigationbar ios11 large-title
iOS 11 UITableView bug

The bug can be reproduced using the repo here. I have a strange bug affecting my project in iOS 11 in …

ios swift uitableview ios11
"Connect via network" wireless debugging not working Xcode 9

I am trying to run my iOS app via wifi network. But its not working as I expected. Connected Network …

ios xcode ios11 xcode9
Changing the text color of a navigation bar title when "prefersLargeTitles" is set to true

I have a requirement in which I have to use a UINavigationBar with a red large title. Currently, I have …

ios uikit uinavigationbar ios11
Getting this error command /usr/bin/codesign failed with exit code 1 with xcode 9.1?

I am getting this error /Users/macbook/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/xxxxx-egjyfcyhdfcgftavbtoudbcgthja/Build/Products/Debug-iphoneos/ unknown error -1=…

ios xcode ios11 xcode9.1
iOS 11 URL Scheme for specific Settings section stopped working

My app uses a URL scheme to take users directly to Settings/General/About section, the following URL was working …

ios url-scheme ios11