Top "Large-title" questions

How to set multi line Large title in navigation bar? ( New feature of iOS 11)

I am in process of adding large title in navigation bar in one of the application. The issue is title …

ios swift uilabel uinavigationbar large-title
Default Font for UINavigationBar Large Title in iOS 11?

I know how to set the color and change the font for the large title in iOS 11, but I am …

ios fonts ios11 large-title
iOS 11 large navigation bar title unexpected velocity

I am trying to implement the iOS 11 native large navigation bar title on my new application. By calling below functions …

ios swift uinavigationbar ios11 large-title
UINavigationBar with Large Titles - how to find extra height in iOS 11

When using prefersLargeTitles for a UINavigationController's UINavigationBar in iOS 11, the nav bar increases height. The increase is from 44 to 96 on …

ios uinavigationcontroller uinavigationbar ios11 large-title
Image for Navigation Bar with Large Title iOS 11

AppStore app has an icon with an image on the right side of the NabBar with Large Title: Would really …

swift xcode ios11 navigationbar large-title