Top "Ios10" questions

iOS 10 is the tenth version of Apple's iOS mobile operating system.

how to implement multiple local notification not a single notification for swift 3

i have use the single notification , and this is my code: this is for register the local notification>>&…

notifications swift3 ios10 localnotification
iPad Application shows app icon as launch screen in iOS 10

In iPad iOS 10 Application shows app icon as launch screen / Splash screen if we don't provide any launch screen. I …

ios ipad ios10 xcode8
Add Custom Local Notification in ios10 - swift 3

I'm trying to add a custom local notification, but I'm only getting the stock notification with my action: My storyboard …

swift swift3 uilocalnotification ios10 unusernotificationcenter
Springboard crashing when adding a lot of triggers to UNUserNotificationCenter

Save yourselves from hours of debugging, because I've just wasted 2 weeks after bug hunting mysterious app crashes. It turns out, …

ios10 crash-reports unusernotificationcenter