Top "Ios-simulator" questions

The iOS Simulator application presents the iPhone or iPad user interface in a window on the computer to emulate iPhone or iPad devices.

What does do?

Our iOS automation tests on simulator have gone through disaster since upgrading to Xcode6. We can observe view switching slowing …

xcode xcode6 ios-simulator ios-ui-automation
Missing Simulator in Xcode 8.3.2 after installing Xcode 9.0 Beta

I am using Xcode 8.3.2 for iOS Application Development. I have just installed Xcode 9.0 Beta and suddenly I found that My …

ios objective-c swift ios-simulator xcode9-beta
Is it possible to "toggle software keyboard" via the code in UI test?

I have UI tests which testing login functionality (and uses it to test other stuff), but sometimes when focus is …

ios xcode ios-simulator xcode-ui-testing
iOS Simulator - Can't log in with iCloud

I am trying to test the iCloud sync functionality of my app between a (real) device and the simulator, however …

ios ios-simulator icloud
Shut down iPhone in simulator

This might seem like a strange question, but can I actually shut down the iPhone and restart it in the …

iphone settings ios-simulator save shutdown
Mac keyboard shortcuts not working on iOS Simulator

All the mac keyboard short cuts like Cmd + Q (Quit Simulator app), Cmd + K (Toggle keyboard hide/show in Simulator) …

xcode keyboard ios-simulator macos-high-sierra
Specific compiler flags for specific files in Xcode

I've been tasked to work on a project that has some confusing attributes. The project is of the nature that …

iphone xcode ios-simulator compiler-flags
Facebook login issue with iOS 10

I use facebook to login into my application. Trying to login using Facebook on iOS 10, iPhone simulator 6s. -canOpenURL: failed …

facebook ios-simulator facebook-login ios10 xcode8
Run logic tests in Xcode 4 without launching the simulator

I want to run tests in Xcode 4 using OCUnit without launching the simulator. Please, don't try and convince me I …

objective-c xcode tdd ios-simulator ocunit
Xcode 4.3 and iPhone Simulator 4.2

Is there a way to install iPhone Simulator 4.2 in Xcode 4.3 for Lion? I only can find how to install it …

iphone xcode ios-simulator xcode4.3