The iOS Simulator application presents the iPhone or iPad user interface in a window on the computer to emulate iPhone or iPad devices.
Our iOS automation tests on simulator have gone through disaster since upgrading to Xcode6. We can observe view switching slowing …
xcode xcode6 ios-simulator ios-ui-automationI am using Xcode 8.3.2 for iOS Application Development. I have just installed Xcode 9.0 Beta and suddenly I found that My …
ios objective-c swift ios-simulator xcode9-betaI have UI tests which testing login functionality (and uses it to test other stuff), but sometimes when focus is …
ios xcode ios-simulator xcode-ui-testingI am trying to test the iCloud sync functionality of my app between a (real) device and the simulator, however …
ios ios-simulator icloudThis might seem like a strange question, but can I actually shut down the iPhone and restart it in the …
iphone settings ios-simulator save shutdownAll the mac keyboard short cuts like Cmd + Q (Quit Simulator app), Cmd + K (Toggle keyboard hide/show in Simulator) …
xcode keyboard ios-simulator macos-high-sierraI've been tasked to work on a project that has some confusing attributes. The project is of the nature that …
iphone xcode ios-simulator compiler-flagsI use facebook to login into my application. Trying to login using Facebook on iOS 10, iPhone simulator 6s. -canOpenURL: failed …
facebook ios-simulator facebook-login ios10 xcode8I want to run tests in Xcode 4 using OCUnit without launching the simulator. Please, don't try and convince me I …
objective-c xcode tdd ios-simulator ocunitIs there a way to install iPhone Simulator 4.2 in Xcode 4.3 for Lion? I only can find how to install it …
iphone xcode ios-simulator xcode4.3