The iOS Simulator application presents the iPhone or iPad user interface in a window on the computer to emulate iPhone or iPad devices.
In my App, when I try to run code in the iOS Simulator: NSURL *iCloudURL = [fileManager URLForUbiquityContainerIdentifier:@"…
ios5 icloud ios-simulatorI'm running Xcode 11.0 on macOS Mojave (10.14.6) and though the iPhone SE is officially supported on iOS 13, it doesn't appear in …
ios ios-simulator xcode11 iphone-seI'm trying to debug a potential issue in the iOS Simulator (v 7.0) which requires the iPad to be running in 24…
ios time ios-simulator date-formatting time-formatI added ShareKit framework to try and here is the error running it in Simulator: duplicate symbol _LFHRReadStreamClientCallBack in .../Xcode/…
iphone objective-c architecture ios-simulator sharekitI often see this a lot on GitHub. How can I reproduce this animated .gif effect?…
ios ios-simulator gifI've created a simple program where a person can log in with a username and password. Every time I attempt …
ios swift ios-simulator xcode7 simulatorI'm making an iPad app and it runs on the simulator, but fails when i try building it for the …
ios xcode ios6 ios-simulator xcode4.5Since the update to macOS Mojave, I get this alert every time I run on the simulator: "<AppName>" …
ios xcode ios-simulator macos-mojaveToday in the morning I tried to compile my project to run in my device and I found the destination …
xcode ios-simulatorRunning my app with the iOS6 simulator I am getting the following printed in the XCode console prior to viewDidLoad …
ios objective-c ios6 ios-simulator mapkit