Top "Ios-simulator" questions

The iOS Simulator application presents the iPhone or iPad user interface in a window on the computer to emulate iPhone or iPad devices.

Using iCloud in iOS Simulator

In my App, when I try to run code in the iOS Simulator: NSURL *iCloudURL = [fileManager URLForUbiquityContainerIdentifier:@"…

ios5 icloud ios-simulator
Is there an iPhone SE simulator for Xcode 11, iOS 13?

I'm running Xcode 11.0 on macOS Mojave (10.14.6) and though the iPhone SE is officially supported on iOS 13, it doesn't appear in …

ios ios-simulator xcode11 iphone-se
Is it possible to change the iOS Simulator to use 24 hour time?

I'm trying to debug a potential issue in the iOS Simulator (v 7.0) which requires the iPad to be running in 24…

ios time ios-simulator date-formatting time-format
Error running Simulator: duplicate symbol for architecture i386

I added ShareKit framework to try and here is the error running it in Simulator: duplicate symbol _LFHRReadStreamClientCallBack in .../Xcode/…

iphone objective-c architecture ios-simulator sharekit
How do developers produce iOS Simulator animated .gifs?

I often see this a lot on GitHub. How can I reproduce this animated .gif effect?…

ios ios-simulator gif
Blank white screen every time I run the iOS simulator

I've created a simple program where a person can log in with a username and password. Every time I attempt …

ios swift ios-simulator xcode7 simulator
Xcode 4.5 - CopyPNGFile persists. Need new ideas

I'm making an iPad app and it runs on the simulator, but fails when i try building it for the …

ios xcode ios6 ios-simulator xcode4.5
iOS Simulator would like to access microphone every time

Since the update to macOS Mojave, I get this alert every time I run on the simulator: "<AppName>" …

ios xcode ios-simulator macos-mojave
Destination toolbar disappeared on XCode 6.4

Today in the morning I tried to compile my project to run in my device and I found the destination …

xcode ios-simulator
iOS6 Simulator MKMapKit "Couldn't find default.styleproto in framework"

Running my app with the iOS6 simulator I am getting the following printed in the XCode console prior to viewDidLoad …

ios objective-c ios6 ios-simulator mapkit