Top "Ios-bluetooth" questions

Bluetooth headphone music quality deteriorates when launching iOS simulator

The situation goes a little something like this: I am programming Xcode whilst concurrently listening to music on my Bluetooth …

bluetooth ios-simulator core-audio ios-bluetooth
How get the list of paired bluetooth devices in swift?

I need to get the list of paired bluetooth devices(iOS Devices) as same as the list in 'Bluetooth' section …

ios bluetooth-lowenergy core-bluetooth external-accessory ios-bluetooth
Interpretting data from a BLE device without a published GATT profile

As a 3rd party is there a viable way to correctly interpret data from a Bluetooth Low Energy device for …

bluetooth bluetooth-lowenergy android-bluetooth texas-instruments ios-bluetooth
Using Microhip's MLDP data streaming from Android or iOS

Microchip defined a way to stream data over BlueTooth low energy (BLE) and called it MLDP (Microchip Low-energy Data Profile). …

bluetooth-lowenergy microcontroller android-bluetooth ios-bluetooth
How do I remove paired Bluetooth devices on iOS?

I want my app could remove paired bluetooth devices. Becaues if device paried with iPhone, the device couldn't used for …

ios bluetooth bluetooth-lowenergy core-bluetooth ios-bluetooth
Subscribing for notifications from a CBCharacteristic does not work

First things first: running OSX 10.10.4, iOS 4, Xcode 6.3.2, iPhone 6, Swift Short story: I have a certain Bluetooth LE device here from …

ios bluetooth bluetooth-lowenergy core-bluetooth ios-bluetooth