Top "Ios-4.2" questions

For issues relating to using iOS, version 4.2.

How to customize the UIToolbar with buttons that contains colored images?

I have two questions about the UIToolbar: 1: I have read numerous Stackoverflow answers on how to use buttons with custom …

iphone objective-c ios cocoa-touch ios-4.2
UISplitViewcontroller with master UINavigationController and detail UINavigationController

We have a certain behaviour we require in our UISplitViewController application. We have the following hierarchy of 3 views FormOneViewController - …

ipad uisplitviewcontroller ios-4.2
how to popup default iphone keyboard on a button click

Hi When we click on a UITextField or UITextView, a default keyboard pops up from the bottom of iphone screen. …

iphone objective-c ios-4.2
error: server did not accept client registration 68

I am trying to build and run the example of the Big Nerd Ranch book: iOS Programming, chapter4. …

iphone core-location ios-4.2
Linking Error libxml2.dylib at Xcode 3.2.5 & SDK 4.2

I am trying to connect to twitter using oauth library. The library needs libxml2.dylib to be added. When adding …

iphone sdk libxml2 mgtwitterengine ios-4.2
Push Notification is not working?

i edit and modify the provisioning profile alot of times. and i checked it in text editor too. everything is …

iphone xcode push-notification ios-4.2 apple-push-notifications
UITextfield.text returns null

Assume there's code for an iphone project that is : IBOutlet UITextField* numberDisplay; @property (strong,nonatomic) IBOutlet UITextField *numberDisplay; in implementation …

objective-c ios xcode ios-4.2
Can we display KML data on Google maps using Mapkit framework on iOS devices?

I have a requirement wherein I have to show some maps and some data corresponding to that maps. The problem …

iphone ipad ios ios4 ios-4.2
iOS 4.2 simulator files?

Where are the files associated with my app in the iOS 4.2 simulator - need to look at my sqllite DB …

ipad ios4 ios-4.2
Manually set interface orientation

Is there any easy way to manually set the orientation of an interface? I need to set the interface to …

ios ios-4.2 ios4