Top "Ioc-container" questions

In object oriented languages, an inversion of control container (ioc-container) can be used for configuring and managing objects in an application.

Laravel Dependency Injection in Middleware

I am using Laravel-5.0's default Authentication Middleware, but I changed the signature of the handle function to have: public …

php laravel ioc-container middleware
Why not use an IoC container to resolve dependencies for entities/business objects?

I understand the concept behind DI, but I'm just learning what different IoC containers can do. It seems that most …

dependency-injection inversion-of-control castle-windsor ioc-container entities
Unity Application Block, How pass a parameter to Injection Factory?

Here what I have now Container.RegisterType<IUserManager, UserManagerMock>(); Container.RegisterType<IUser, UserMock>( new InjectionFactory( (c) =&…

c# .net ioc-container unity2.0
How to create a child scope from the parent with default dependency injection in .NET Core?

I am building a console .NET Core application. It periodically runs a method that does some work. How do I …

.net inversion-of-control .net-core ioc-container
How does Spring create an application context or container hierarchy?

According to The IoC Container, Spring can manage a context hierarchy or hierarchy of containers and then use the <…

java spring ioc-container applicationcontext
Mapper not initialized, When Use ProjectTo()

I Use Automapper 5.2.0 In My Project. When I Use ProjectTo() In Code Get This Error: Mapper not initialized. Call Initialize …

c# ioc-container structuremap automapper-5
Dependency Injection and the Strategy Pattern

There is an enormous amount of discussion on this topic, but everyone seems to miss an obvious answer. I'd like …

c# .net dependency-injection ioc-container strategy-pattern
Dependency injection for extension classes?

I'm using Microsoft Unity as my IoC container. I have a number of extension classes which adds useful methods to …

c# .net ioc-container
Why are IOC containers unnecessary with dynamic languages

Someone on the Herding Code podcast No. 68,, stated that IOC containers had no place with …

ioc-container dynamic-languages
Using Castle Windsor WcfFacility to create client endpoints

I have created three assemblies. A web site, a WCF service and a contracts assembly that holds the interfaces that …

wcf castle-windsor ioc-container wcf-endpoint wcffacility