Top "Ioc-container" questions

In object oriented languages, an inversion of control container (ioc-container) can be used for configuring and managing objects in an application.

Is there TryResolve in Unity?

How can I make Unity not to throw ResolutionFailedException if Resolve fails? Is there something like TryResolve<IMyInterface>? …

c# unity-container ioc-container
Constructor with multiple arguments with Ninject

I am tring to use Ninject as a IoC container but could not understand how to create an instance of …

c# ninject ioc-container
DI/IoC Container Performance Benchmark Comparison?

I've found some 2008 benchmark results for testing the performance of several of the top .NET DI/IoC containers here. But …

c# structuremap ioc-container ninject autofac
How to register multiple IDbConnectionFactory instances using Funq in

How would you go about registering diferent IDbConnectionFactory instances in Funq and then access them directly within your services? Do …

c# servicestack inversion-of-control ioc-container funq
Using Unity in WPF

I have Unity 2.0 working well within the App.xaml.cs to register and resolve within that class. The question I …

c# wpf unity-container ioc-container unity2.0