Castle Windsor is an Inversion of Control container for .NET.
I'm a long-time Windows developer, having cut my teeth on win32 and early COM. I've been working with .NET since 2001, …
c# dependency-injection inversion-of-control castle-windsorIn a follow up to Krzysztof’s statement that Windsor does a lot more than other IoC’s, I wanted …
dependency-injection castle-windsor structuremap unity-container ioc-containerUltimately this has to do with setting up log4Net but generically the problem is not logging specific. Generically what …
c# dependency-injection unity-container log4net castle-windsor(Related to this question, EF4: Why does proxy creation have to be enabled when lazy loading is enabled?). I'm new …
dependency-injection inversion-of-control castle-windsorI have an MVC4 site using Castle Windsor that I want to add some WebAPI calls to, so I start …
c# castle-windsorI have the following class: public class DatabaseFactory<C> : Disposable, IDatabaseFactory<C> where C : DbContext, BaseContext, …
c# castle-windsorI use Castle Windsor as my IoC container. I have an application that has a structure similar to the following: …
c# castle-windsor ioc-container fluent-interfaceWhile registering components in Castle Windsor, how do we bind specific implementation of an interface to a component that has …
c# dependency-injection castle-windsorI am attempting to use Castle Windsor in my automated tests like so: On every test: The Setup() function creates …
unit-testing castle-windsorHow can I pull objects from the container that are transient in nature? Do I have to register them with …
.net dependency-injection castle-windsor ioc-container