Top "Interpreter" questions

An interpreter is a program that executes, i.e. performs, instructions written in a programming language.

Compile and execute Scala code at runtime

Is is possible to compile and execute scala code as a string at runtime either in Scala or in Java? …

scala interpreter dsl
How does machine code communicate with processor?

Let's take Python as an example. If I am not mistaken, when you program in it, the computer first "translates" …

interpreter processor machine-code microcoding
What are the primitive Forth operators?

I'm interested in implementing a Forth system, just so I can get some experience building a simple VM and runtime. …

operators interpreter vm-implementation forth
How to invoke an interactive elisp interpreter in Emacs?

Right now I write expressions in the *scratch* buffer and test them by evaluating with C-x C-e. I would really …

emacs elisp interpreter
Running a Perl script on Android

I need to run a Perl script ( from my Android app. I came across perl-android-apk project which seems …

android perl interpreter sl4a
What are motivations behind compiling to byte-code?

I'm working on my own toy programming language. For now I'm interpreting the source language from AST and I'm wondering …

interpreter bytecode abstract-syntax-tree
How do I read the output of the IPython %prun (profiler) command?

I run this: In [303]: %prun my_function() 384707 function calls (378009 primitive calls) in 83.116 CPU seconds Ordered by: internal time ncalls tottime …

python interpreter profiler ipython
What is the advantages an interpreted language has over a compiled language?

Possible Duplicate: What’s with the love of dynamic Languages I have already read this, but I do not get …

interpreter compiled
C interpreter written in javascript

Is there any C interpreter written in javascript or java ? I don't need a full interpreter but I need to …

javascript c gwt interpreter
Tab-completion in Python interpreter in OS X Terminal

Several months ago, I wrote a blog post detailing how to achieve tab-completion in the standard Python interactive interpreter--a feature …

python macos configuration interpreter tab-completion