Top "Interpreter" questions

An interpreter is a program that executes, i.e. performs, instructions written in a programming language.

Include jar file in Scala interpreter

Is it possible to include a jar file run running the Scala interpreter? My code is working when I compile …

scala jar interpreter
Haskell interpreter on Android?

Is there a Haskell interpreter (with standard libraries) that can be installed on Android? So that someone with an Android …

android haskell interpreter
What does it mean in linux scripts? #!/usr/bin/python -tt

I know that in the begining of .sh bash scripts is #!/bin/bash which points to the command interpeter executable. …

python linux bash interpreter
create my own programming language

Possible Duplicates: References Needed for Implementing an Interpreter in C/C++ How to create a language these days? Learning to …

c++ compiler-construction programming-languages interpreter
Python Compilation/Interpretation Process

I'm trying to understand the python compiler/interpreter process more clearly. Unfortunately, I have not taken a class in interpreters …

compiler-construction interpreter python
Write a Haskell interpreter in Haskell

A classic programming exercise is to write a Lisp/Scheme interpreter in Lisp/Scheme. The power of the full language …

haskell functional-programming interpreter
Why is an interpreter slower than a compiler in practice?

Don't they both have to convert to machine code at some point to execute or am i missing something more …

compiler-construction interpreter
Compiler vs Interpreter vs Transpiler

During a reactJS session that I was attending, the presenter used a term transpiler for some code conversion/porting happening. …

compiler-construction language-agnostic terminology interpreter transpiler
Powershell online interpreter?

Is there online Powershell interpreter available on the Internet? I mean like trypython for Python programming language.

powershell interpreter powershell-2.0
Implementing a language interpreter in Haskell

I want to implement an imperative language interpreter in Haskell (for educational purposes). But it's difficult for me to create …

haskell interpreter