Top "Internet-explorer-9" questions

Windows Internet Explorer 9 (abbreviated as IE9) is a web browser developed by Microsoft, released on 14 March 2011.

IE9 blocks download of cross-origin web font

This is driving me crazy. Just testing a site on IE9 and discovered that the 'live' version is rendering a …

internet-explorer cross-domain internet-explorer-9 webfonts
Why does IE9 opens in Document Mode as IE7 standards?

When I open a webpage in IE9 with DOCTYPE as <!DOCTYPE html> It opens Document Mode as IE7 …

html internet-explorer internet-explorer-9 doctype
HTML5 doctype putting IE9 into quirks mode?

I'm trying to get IE9 to load my page with IE9 standards... I noticed having <!DOCTYPE HTML> puts …

html internet-explorer-9 doctype
How do I make an "else" in an IE HTML conditional?

<!--[if lt IE 9]> This is less then IE9 ELSE this is all browsers: firefox, chrome, etc. <![…

javascript html css internet-explorer-9
JavaScript: Can I detect IE9 if it's in IE7 or IE8 compatibility mode?

I need to know if the browser that's identifying itself via user agent string as being IE7 or IE8 is …

javascript internet-explorer-9 ie8-compatibility-mode
ffmpeg convert mov file to mp4 for HTML5 video tag IE9

I looked everywhere here and on google - there is no valid command that works for IE9. some how IE9 …

video ffmpeg internet-explorer-9 html5-video codec
How to set HTML content into an iframe

I have a HTML string <html> <body>Hello world</body> </html> and …

javascript html iframe internet-explorer-8 internet-explorer-9
IE9 border-radius and background gradient bleeding

IE9 is apparently able to handle rounded corners by using the CSS3 standard definition of border-radius. What about support for …

internet-explorer-9 gradient compass-sass css
Target IE9 Only via CSS

Just wondering given these IE hacks in my bag of tricks "\9" - for IE8 and below. "*" - for IE7 and …

html css internet-explorer-9 stylesheet css-hack
How to define specific CSS rules for IE9 alone?

Friends, please help me in defining specific css rule for IE9? For example like this /* IE 6 fix */ * html .twit-post .delete_…

css internet-explorer-9 css-hack