Top "Internet-explorer-9" questions

Windows Internet Explorer 9 (abbreviated as IE9) is a web browser developed by Microsoft, released on 14 March 2011.

Internet Explorer 9, 10 & 11 Event constructor doesn't work

I am creating an event, so use the DOM Event constructor: new Event('change'); This works fine in modern browsers, …

internet-explorer-9 internet-explorer-10 internet-explorer-11 dom-events custom-events
Difference between "Browser Mode" and "Document Mode" in Internet Explorer

I´m really glad that I must no more use IETester since IE6 support was dropped in our company and …

internet-explorer internet-explorer-9
ie9 border radius

I have the following which works in Firefox, Chrome and Safari. But not in IE9. It's applying rounded corners to …

html css internet-explorer-9
CORS with jQuery and XDomainRequest in IE8/9

UPDATE: I highly recommend not investing any time in XDomainRequest, because it is a terribly poor implementation with many limitations. …

jquery internet-explorer-9 xdomainrequest
I need CSS3 transition to work in IE9

I create a greeting card for a client with css transition but I did not know that it was not …

internet-explorer-9 css-transitions
Does IE9 support CSS linear gradients?

With Chrome/Safari and Firefox there's the -webkit-gradient and -moz-linear-gradient properties. How can I do this same sort of thing …

css internet-explorer-9
SVG in img element proportions not respected in ie9

CSS: img{ max-height:30px; } HTML: <img src="foo.svg" /> I am looking for this svg image to scale …

css svg internet-explorer-9
Background-size with SVG squished in IE9-10

I have a div set with a background image: <div>Play Video</div> with the following …

css svg internet-explorer-9 internet-explorer-10 background-size
Force Internet Explorer 9 to use IE 9 Mode

I'm using the HTML5 doctype with X-UA-Compatible meta tag near the top: <!DOCTYPE html> <!--[if lt …

internet-explorer internet-explorer-9 cross-browser doctype
Internet Explorer 9 Drag and Drop (DnD)

Does anyone know why the following web site drag and drop examples (plus many other tutorials online) don't work in …

html drag-and-drop internet-explorer-9