Top "Interceptor" questions

The interceptor design pattern allows logic to be "inserted" before, during or after the execution of a piece of code, such as a method.

How to use RESTEasy PreProcessInterceptor only in specific methods?

I'm writing a REST API, making use of RestEasy 2.3.4.Final. I know that a Interceptor will intercept all of my …

java rest resteasy interceptor
How use IInterceptor in Castle.DynamicProxy?

I wrote an example like this Simple Calculator class : public class Calculator { public int Add(int a, int b) { return …

c# interceptor castle-dynamicproxy dynamic-proxy interception
How to add global loading/spin effect in axios interceptor for a React project

I am use axios for API call in a React project, and I want to add a loading or spinning …

javascript reactjs axios interceptor
How to encrypt/decypt data with custom anotation(hibernate) in spring project

I'm developing some RESTFull web services for a project. I use the Spring framework and use gradle for build. The …

java hibernate jpa encryption interceptor
Postman Accept header not in request

I'm using Postman with the Interceptor extension to perform a POST request. My request contains an Origin header to be …

json interceptor postman referer
Android Retrofit 2, differences between addInterceptor & addNetworkInterceptor for editing responses

I've been trying to implement an interceptor ( OkHttp 3.2 & Retrofit 2 ) for editing the JSON response before is returned as response. …

android interceptor retrofit2 okhttp3
CDI: Using Interceptors across different modules / bean archives

My Java EE 6 application consists of a war and an ejb module packaged in ear file. I'm using CDI for …

jakarta-ee interceptor cdi ejb-3.1
Angular 5 HttpClient Interceptor JWT refresh token unable to Catch 401 and Retry my request

I am trying to implement a catch for 401 responses and tried obtaining a refresh token based on Angular 4 Interceptor retry …

jwt interceptor angular5 refresh-token angular-httpclient
Interceptor in JSF

I want to know if there is an interceptor in JSF (like we use in Spring), and how to do …

jsf jsf-2 interceptor
Hibernate Interceptors - Why is onFlushDirty called after onSave?

The Plan I am using Hibernate to implement createDate and lastUpdate Timestamps for a little project. I use an EmptyInterceptor …

java hibernate state updates interceptor