Top "Intellij-15" questions

Use this when developing with the IntelliJ IDEA 15 IDE for Java.

Select current line in intellij

Is there any way to select the whole line at caret in IntelliJ 15? I know you can select the current …

intellij-idea intellij-15
org.testng.TestNGException: while trying to execute the tests

I have been working on a project using Android Studio since long. Today refactored some code and it started to …

java android-studio testng intellij-15
How to import .XML code style into IntelliJ Idea 15

I want to use a specific code style in my editor defined in an XML file, which looks something like …

intellij-idea configuration intellij-15
Intellij Annotate Option Grayed Out

I am trying to look at who changed a line in Intellij 15. I know I can use git blame but …

intellij-idea intellij-15
IntelliJ startup error - Internal error. Please report to

when I am trying to start my intelliJ it gives the below error in my Windows 7: Internal error. Please report …

java intellij-idea intellij-15
How do I keep IntelliJ from closing my Editor Tabs automatically?

When opening more than 10 Editor Tabs, IntelliJ automatically closes my least used Tab each time I open a new Tab. …

intellij-idea editor intellij-15
Cannot Start Compiler: The SDK is not specified in IntelliJ

I get the error when clicking on the run button that says cannot compiler and I set it to JDK 1.8 …

java intellij-idea java-8 intellij-15
Is it possible to change the console font size in IntelliJ IDEA

Is it possible to change the console font size in IntelliJ IDEA? I changed the actual text size under Settings &…

intellij-idea font-size intellij-15
Run Gradle test and not Junit test in IntelliJ IDEA 15 when choosing configuration type to run with

I updated to Intellij 15.02 from 14 and wanted to run my tests using Gradle not JUnit, but I'm not getting the …

java intellij-idea gradle junit intellij-15
IntelliJ collapsing single line methods

Since I've updated my version of intelliJ (14.x to 15.x) it has started automatically collapsing single line methods in the …

java intellij-idea formatting intellij-14 intellij-15