Top "Intellij-14" questions

IntelliJ IDEA is a popular IDE by JetBrains.

Error: Unfortunately you can't have non-Gradle Java modules and > Android-Gradle modules in one project

I have an IntelliJ 14.1.2 Project consisting of two modules - one is an Android Gradle based module and the other …

java android gradle intellij-idea intellij-14 class path resource cannot be opened because it does not exist

I am trying to set the configuration location for my Project but I keep getting the following error:…

java spring file intellij-14
IntelliJ Gradle Plugin: The supplied javaHome seems to be invalid

Similar to: - Intellij 14 the supplied javaHome seems to be invalid - Android Studio - supplied javaHome is not a …

java intellij-idea gradle intellij-14
Auto-generate Javadoc comments in intelliJ?

Is it possible to auto-generate Javadoc comments for each method in one class in IntelliJ IDEA?

java intellij-idea javadoc intellij-14
How can I force update all the snapshot Gradle dependencies in intellij

I have a project with SNAPSHOT dependencies using gradle as its build tool in intellij. The problem is that intellij …

intellij-idea gradle intellij-14
Find and Replace symbol for whole project intellij?

In IntelliJ IDEA, is there an option to find and replace a symbol for whole project with on time operation?

java intellij-idea replace find intellij-14
Unable to import maven project in IntelliJ14

I'm trying to import the Maven projects from IntelliJ button (the one with the arrows in circle), but I get …

maven-3 intellij-14
Ignore a folder in search results

I'm searching for a string and getting matches in a source folder, and a build folder (file in source gets …

intellij-idea intellij-14
"UML Support" Plugin for IntelliJ

I must be missing something. I am reading this article and it says that there is a plugin called "UML …

intellij-idea uml intellij-14
How to change project language level for all project in Intellij

I am using Intellij. It is good, but when I create a new project or import a project the default …

intellij-idea intellij-14