Top "Int" questions

Common datatype in many programming languages for representing a whole number.

NSDictionary With Integer Values

I'm working on a game with monsters. Each one has a list of stats that are all going to be …

objective-c int nsdictionary
Divide Int to Int and return Int

I need a function which gets two Ints (a and b) and returns A/B as Int. I am sure …

haskell int
Split double into two int, one int before decimal point and one after

I need to split an double value, into two int value, one before the decimal point and one after. The …

c# double int decimal-point
Round a float up to the next integer in objective C?

How can I round a float up to the next integer value in objective C? 1.1 -> 2 2.3 -> 3 3.4 -&…

objective-c floating-point int
CharSequence to int

Is there a Way to converte a Charsequence or a String to an Ingeter? CharSequence cs = "123"; int number = (int) cs; …

java android int charsequence
Convert datarow to int

I have a datarow, but how can i convert it to an int ? I tried this, but it doesn't work. …

c# int datarow
Dividing two integers to a double in java

I can see this is a common problem for new programmers, however I didn't succeed in implementing any of the …

java int double divide
How to convert a Byte Array to an Int Array

I am reading a file by using: int len = (int)(new File(args[0]).length()); FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(args[0]); byte …

java arrays int byte endianness
Round Up a double to int

I have a number ("double") from int/int (such as 10/3). What's the best way to Approximation by Excess and convert …

c# math double int approximation
Convert datetime since a given date to minutes

Possible Duplicate: Python datetime to Unix timestamp Is there a way to convert a datetime to int, representing the minutes …

python datetime int python-2.6