Common datatype in many programming languages for representing a whole number.
I want to create a view which will display the info from two tables joined by different type fields. The …
sql int inner-join nvarchar sql-viewIn the GLib documentation, there is a chapter on type conversion macros. In the discussion on converting an int to …
c pointers casting int long-integerHow can I change the (default) type for ActiveRecord's IDs? int is not long enough, I would prefer long. I …
ruby-on-rails activerecord int long-integer bigintphp: What's the equivalent int() function for bigint type? (int() cuts big numbers to 2147483647)? Example: $bigint1="12312342306A_C243"; $bigint1=(int)$…
php function integer int bigintegerI recently read a sample job interview question: Write a function to convert an integer to a string. Assume you …
c string int type-conversion itoaStrange question, but someone showed me this, I was wondering can you use the not ! operator for int in C++? (…
c++ int logical-operators negationIn objective c, how can i check if a string/NSNumber is an integer or int
objective-c variables nsstring int nsnumberIn C on a 32-bit system, which data type will store (and can therefore print) the largest integer? Is it …
c types int long-integer primitive-types