Top "Insert" questions

Insert is an action to add information to a larger container that the information should reside within.

Oracle 'INSERT ALL' ignore duplicates

I have a database table with a unique constraint on it (unique (DADSNBR, DAROLEID) pair). I am going to be …

oracle insert duplicates unique-constraint
Doctrine - insert multiple rows with just one save()

How do I insert multiple rows into table calling save() method once in Doctrine?

php database insert doctrine save
C# - TreeView: inserting node at certain position

How does one insert a new child to a particular node in a TreeView in C# WinForms? I've been clumsily …

c# winforms treeview insert treenode
error when insert into linked server

I want to insert some data on the local server into a remote server, and used the following sql: select * …

sql-server insert linked-server
php PDO insert batch multiple rows with placeholders

I am looking to do multiple inserts using PHP PDO. The closest answer I have found is this one how-to-insert-an-array-into-a-single-mysql-prepared-statement …

php insert pdo bulkinsert
How to programmatically add product to Opencart database

I wonder if there is a special opencart function to add/edit a product to Opencart database programmatically using php/…

database insert opencart
Inserting multiple checkbox values into a single SQL database column

I'm looking for a simple solution to inserting multiple checkbox selections into a single database column. User selects box 1, 4 and 6 …

php sql insert checkbox multipleselection
Insert data into nested table

May I please have some help to Insert values into a table. The table is called PurchaseOrder_objtab. Here is …

oracle reference insert nested-table object-relational-model
Using TableAdapter to insert rows into a dataset does not do anything

I have a question similar to this one, but reading the (accepted) answer didn't give me much insight, so I'm …

sql insert tableadapter mdf
How do I insert collection of objects using MyBatis 3.x?

I'm a beginner with MyBatis. I just want to know how to insert a collection of objects from an instance …

collections insert orm ibatis mybatis