Top "Inetaddress" questions

Java: Convert a String (representing an IP) to InetAddress

Possible Duplicate: Is there an easy way to convert String to Inetaddress in Java? I'm trying to convert a string(…

java ip inetaddress
Why does InetAddress.isReachable return false, when I can ping the IP address?

InetAddress byName = InetAddress.getByName(""); System.out.println(byName); System.out.println(byName.isReachable(1000)); Why does isReachable return false? I can …

java inetaddress
Get IP address with URL string? (Java)

In my program a user enters a url string, say …

java ip ip-address inetaddress
Java: convert int to InetAddress

I have an int which contains an IP address in network byte order, which I would like to convert to …

java inetaddress
Get hostname from request

I'm running my application on Windows Server 2008 on an Intranet. To login the application tries to get the hostname from …

java networking inetaddress
How can I bind serversocket to specific IP?

If I have a String representing an IP address (IPv4 or IPv6) how can I create a ServerSocket and bind …

java tcp ip serversocket inetaddress
Host Name Vs Canonical Host Name

Can anyone please explain me the difference between Host Name and Canonical Host Name? I am currently using InetAddress class …

java ip-address hostname inetaddress canonical-name
DNS query in JAVA

I am messing around with DNS services in Java - I am specifically trying to lookup all addresses …

java dns inetaddress
Is there an easy way to convert String to Inetaddress in Java?

I am trying to convert strings into Inetaddress. I am not trying to resolve hostnames: the strings are ipv4 addresses. …

java string inetaddress
InetAddress getLocalHost() does not return expected IP address from C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc\hosts

In the file C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc\hosts I have only the following line computername When …

java networking ip-address localhost inetaddress