In-app purchase (IAP) usually refers to the acquisition of a feature for an application from within the application itself or the buying of digital goods from within an application.
Situation: - User makes an IAP and is awarded some content, we store the users device id to ensure they …
iphone ios in-app-purchase storekitHello Team I know lot of answer on the stack overflow but for me none of them work so please …
ios in-app-purchase appstore-approval in-appI use the following code to request a list of products as per the In-App Purchase Programming Guide. It used …
iphone crash delegates in-app-purchase storekitI am working on an app that needs to have functionality to collect charitable donations. Apple Pay on the Web: …
in-app-purchase payment applepay donationsI am learning how to add in-app purchase receipt validation to my iOS/OSX projects. There is a nice overview …
swift openssl in-app-purchase storekit receipt-validationI am working on in-app purchases with subscriptions. In swift, you can get price and price locale from the SKProduct …
ios in-app-purchase storekit in-app-subscription skproductI try to understand the receipt information obtained from iTunes server, but could not find relevant documentation. Particularly, what's the …
ios in-app-purchase uniqueidentifier receiptI'm using following method to get the receipt data: // Use this method instead of accessing transaction.transactionReceipt directly! - (NSData *)…
ios in-app-purchase receiptApple doesn't offer promotional codes for in-app purchases. What's the best way to let users try the features or content …
iphone in-app-purchase promotionsI have been trying to implement receipt validation in my spritekit game. I have been following various tutorial and basically …
swift validation in-app-purchase receipt